Right now I'm doing a 21 day cleanse with Kris Carr, found here. I ordered a juicer, which came yesterday, a Breville compact model. This cleanse seems a lot like Kathy Freston's cleanse, if you're familiar with her, with an alkaline twist. I have to avoid eating all animal products, junk food, anything refined, gluten, & refined sugar. She also recommends drinking (liquid sunshine)/ eating lots of green veggies. That's where the juicer comes in...trying only to consume juices in the morning, then whole food gluten free vegan for the remainder of the day.
I've been so surprised at how difficult this has been emotionally, that is. I expected I would crave meat/cheese/butter, really rich food. I actually haven't at all...it's the junk (chips, crackers, etc.) causing serious cravings. Anyway today is day 3...so I continue along. Kris Carr eats this way all of the time...have no idea how!
Morning bug juice (cucumber, celery, romaine, apple, lemon)!
BLECH! Actually it's not THAT terrible, but not really tasty either. I did find a way that's pallatable for me though. I poured some in a juice glass & added lots of ice.
Gotta go fix lunch for the fam...will check in later tonight.
peace & veggies out,